Saturday, August 9, 2014


CHUNDA (Green Mango Jam)

Nikita once displayed an image of Chunda in Whatsapp chat room and it was very tempting spread.  Nikky's Mamma, Nirmala emailed me the recipe.   The freshly plucked green mangoes prompted me to prepare the chunda instantly. 

Chunda goes well with chapathis, dosais and even on the bread. The sweet and sour taste satisfies one's taste buds and serves as a delightful spread.

How to Prepare:


Raw Mango          :    1 kg

Sugar              :    1 1/2 kg
Red Chilli powder  :    2 tbspns
Roasted Cumin seeds powder : 2  tbsp

Wash, wipe dry, peel and grate raw mangoes. 

Heat a deep pan, add mangoes and sugar and mix. 

Cook, stirring continuously to avoid the mixture from 
scorching, till all the sugar melts. 

Lower the heat and continue to cook, stirring continuously till a syrup of one-string consistency is formed. 

Take it off the flames and set aside to cool. 

Once the mixture cools down, stir-in th red chilli powder and  powdered roasted cumin seeds and mix well.

Cool completely and store in airtight, sterilised bottles.

It keeps good for several months and does not need refrigeration.



On a lazy morning, when the breakfast is not pre-planned, these dosas,   with readily available  wheat flour and Oats,prepared in minutes, is a pleasant surprise.  The dosas taste yummy and healthy too. 



1 cup wheat flour
3/4 cup Oats
1 medium sized onion
1 green chilly
Salt to taste

Blend all the above ingredients and prepare a mixture of flowing consistency for preparing the dosas.
Heat a non-stick pan and spread to make a thinner crispy dosa.  Keep it covered.  Flip over to fry the top side. 

Serve with chutney or sambar and a hot cup of tea.

Be generous to have a stomach full healthy breakfast.


Friday, December 14, 2012


Guava Cheese is a delicacy which is prepared with the pulp of the ripe Guavas.   It’s a delightful addition to the Kuswar (Christmas sweets) and is loved by all.

Patience plays a major role in preparing this sweet and its rewarding too.  The total preparation time is more than 3 hours and has to be cooked on very slow flames for the best results.


  • 1 Kilo Guava Pulp 
  • (Makes about 5 cups of pulp)
  • 4 cups sugar
  • 1 Lime juice
  • 1 Tablespoon Butter


Wash the Guavas and steam for about 20 minutes in a steamer.

When the guavas turn soft, cool them and slit in the middle to separate the seeds from the other fleshy parts.

The seeded portion must  be put in a sieve and pressed with a spoon to extract the pulp from it.  Blend  all the pulp together in a liquidiser, into a smooth puree using little water (say ½ cup).

Once the Puree is ready, pour it into a sieve or a muslin cloth inorder to filter out all the seed remains.

Transfer the pulp to a vessel with a heavy bottom (I used the pressure cooker vessel) add the sugar to it.  Place it on the stove on a low flame and keep stirring.

Initially stir every 5 minutes.  Once it gets thickened, it should be stirred more frequently, so that the pulp does not get stuck to the bottom of the vessel.

Add the lime juice half way through and keep stirring.

The colour of the pulp turns to orange red.
Keep stirring until it gets the dark red colour that you can see in the image below.

It takes nearly 3 hours until the mixture turns thicker and start leaving the edges of the vessel.

Grease a square/rectangular (8 or 10 inches tray) and pour the thick mixture into it.

Spread it evenly.  It will be two hours when it cools down and ready to cut into pieces of one’s choice.



Marzipan is a confectionery with a strong but pleasing almond flavour and aroma, consisting primarily of sugar or honey and almond paste, sometimes augmented with almond oil or extract. It is often made into sweets; common uses are marzipan-filled chocolates and small marzipan imitations of fruits and vegetables. It is also rolled into thin sheets and glazed for icing cakes, primarily birthday cakes and Christmas cakes.

I have tried this after many years and I am quite pleased with the outcome, though it was a bit hectic.  Once the marzipan mix is prepared, forming into different shapes either by using rubber moulds or by hand can be done at ease.  The mix can be refrigerated wrapped with cling film for using it at a later date.


  • 4 cups almonds
  • 4 cups sugar (powdered)
  • 3 egg whites
  • 2 tbspn rose water
  • Food colours of choice
  • ½ tspn cardamom powder
  • 1 cup water
  • Little Butter 


  • Soak the almonds overnight.   Peel off the skin.
  • Dilute the rose water in water.
  • Blend the nuts to a fine paste using the diluted rose water and egg whites.
  • Add half of the sugar while blending, so that the paste gets smoother.
  • Transfer the almonds paste, remaining sugar to a non-stick vessel and keep it on a low fire.
  • Keep stirring until it forms a smooth ball.
  • Cool the stuff and knead it till soft.
  • If it sticks use  little butter to knead.
  • Divide the stuff into smaller parts and mix the colour of your choice.

  • Using a rubber mould form different shapes.  Sprinkle powder sugar on the mould for the sweets to come out at ease.

  • In the absence of a mould, spread it in a greased plate and cut into square/diamond pieces.

Refrigerate the sweets in order to remain firm.


Saturday, November 24, 2012


Chicken curry combined with Valche Baji or Spinach makes a delicious combo.   Basically spinach is a cooling vegetable and therefore blends well with chicken which is always believed to be heaty.  We can find lush green spinach during winter season, shortly after the rains with juicy stems.  The masala used in this curry is typical Mangalorean and this preparation goes well with the boiled rice or rotis. 

The spinach leaves must be hand picked and washed well and the leaves and the stems must be segregated.  The stems are cut into finger size pieces and cooked separately in little water.  The chicken and the chopped leaves are also cooked together using little water.  Once these are cooked combine the three main ingredients.

1 kg medium sized chicken pieces washed and drained.

Ingredients for the Masala:

  • Kashmiri chillies -  8 nos.
  • Coriander seeds   – 2 tspns
  • Jeerah/cumin      – 1 tspn
  • Pepper corns      – 1 tspn
  • Fenugrekseeds     – ½ tspns
  • Kuskus            - ½ tspn
  • Cloves            - 3 pcs
  • A small piece of cinnamon
  • 1 big onion sliced
  • 6 garlic flakes
  • 1 cup of grated coconut

  • Slightly roast all the above ingredients on a tawal.
  • Add a marble sized tamarind and ½ tspn turmeric powder to the above.  
  • Grind all the above to a fine paste using required quantity of water.  
  • Combine the cooked chicken, and the spinach with stems in a cooking vessel.
  • Add the ground masala with the masala water added to it. 
  • Add salt to taste.
  • Bring it a good boil.


For seasoning:

Fry until brown, a medium sized finely cut onion in 1 tblspn of oil.  Mix it to the curry and stir well.

A delicious curry is ready to be served with Brown rice or rotis.


Saturday, November 3, 2012



Ingredients For the Base:
  • 250 gms Flour
  • 125 gms Butter
  •  70 gms sugar powder
  • 25  ml to 30ml ice cold water
  • A pinch of salt

Ingredients for the Filling:
  • 4   apples
  • 50 gms powdered sugar
  • 2 tsp cinnamon powder
  • 1 tbsp lime juice
  • 100 gms Cashewnut pieces

  • Prepare the base for the pie by mixing the flour, sugar and butter to a crumb like consistency
  • Now pour in the water little by little till a dough is formed. 
  • Wrap the dough in cling film and refrigerate for a minimum of 30 minutes.
  • Dice the apples to small pieces and mix in the cinnamon powder, lime juice, cashew nuts and powder sugar and keep aside.
  • Roll the dough to the size of the pie dish (10") and line the pie dish well by cutting the edges to the height of the dish. 
  • Then put in the apple filling and cover with the remaining dough in any pattern. 
  • Bake in the oven @ 160 – 180 degrees for about an hour or till done well..
  • Serve hot with vanilla ice cream.


Monday, August 20, 2012



Ingredients Required:
  • 1 kg chicken breast or legs medium sized pieces.
  • Washed and water drained off
  • 2 green capsicums cut into square pieces
  • 2 onions cut into square pieces

For the Marinade:
  • 1 tbspn bafath powder
  • 1 tbspn ginger/garlic paste
  • 11/2 tspn  salt
  • 1 cup curds
  • 1 tspn olive oil
  • Mix all together to form a paste
  • Apply this paste to the chicken pieces atleast 24 to 36 hours before grilling.

  • Light fire to the charcoal in a metal grill.  Let the flame disappear.
  • Only the red hot coal should remain in the grill.
  • Pierce the skewer to the chicken pieces
  • Insert capsicum and onion pieces in between.
  • Lay them on a wired grill or mesh
  • Keep turning the pieces.
  • Cook until properly cooked for about 25-30 minutes.
  • Transfer to a plate. 
  • Sprinkle lime juice on top of the grilled chicken pieces.

Delicious juicy Chicken Bar-be-cue is ready to be savoured.



To prepare:


  • 1 big sized brinjal
  • chilli powder to taste
  • salt to taste
  • oil
  • curds
  • 1" ginger minced
  • 1 tbspn coriander leaves minced


  • Cut Brinjal into thin slices.
  • Apply chilly powder & salt and keep.
  • Shallow fry in the oil
  • Lay the fried slices in a serving 
  • Mix the curds with ginger n little salt
  • Spread the curds mixture on the fried brinjals
  • Garnish with Coriander leaves/onion slices
  • Sprinkle roasted and powdered jeerah on top.
  • Garnish with fresh coriander leaves

Brinjal raitha ready to be served.


Thursday, July 26, 2012


Banana Chips are available in plenty in bakeries all over.  But the taste of the home made chips is awesome.   Home made chips are  fresh,  crispy and nourishing,  as we can use the oil of our choice to fry  the chips.  With little effort,  these  can be prepared at home, preferably with a helping hand.  



  • 8 fresh green raw Nandarkai bananas
  • 1 litre cooking oil 
  • 1 tbspn turmeric powder dissolved in water
  • A metal chips slicer


  • Peel the skin of the raw banana by slitting the skin lengthwise, without touching the pulp
  • Soak these peeled bananas in turmeric  water in an utensil for a while
  • Remove the bananas and pat dry using a dry cloth or tissue paper

  • Heat the oil in a deep frying pan, bring it to a boil
  • Hold the slicer above the hot oil and slice the bananas, dropping directly into the hot oil
  • To avoid lumps, keep stirring.
  • Add a tspn of salt water into the hot oil
  • Fry until crispy
  • Transfer the fried chips onto a plate covered with tissue paper
  • Allow to cool. 
  • Store the chips in an air tight container.


Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Pork ribs is a variation in cooking pork meat and is a delicacy.  This recipe is from Jovita Pinto, and the dish comes out yummy.

Pork ribs are not sold separately in Mangalore.  However  with  a courteous request to the vendor we can buy the ribs.    Along with the ribs, fat as well as the meat is also included. The ribs must be cut into finger size pieces, preferably at the place where these are purchased.



1 kg pork ribs along with meat and fat

Soya sauce                     : 1 tbspn
Ginger garlic paste         : ½ tbspn
Juice of a lemon
Chilly powder                 : 1 tspn
Salt                                  : to taste or ¾ tspn

Mix the marinade well and apply to each pork piece thoroughly.
Marinate overnight or atleast for 3 hours

To prepare:


Oil                       : 1 tspn
Chilly flakes         : 1 tspn
Sweet and hot tomato ketchup : 1 cup (or more if required)

Cook the marinated meat on low fire until soft and tender.
In a separate utensil heat the oil and add the chilly flakes on a very slow fire.

Add on the tomato ketchup and mix well forming a thick gravy.
Add to this the cooked meat and stir well enough so that the thick gravy covers the meat. 

Delicious pork ribs are ready to be served.
