Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Pork ribs is a variation in cooking pork meat and is a delicacy.  This recipe is from Jovita Pinto, and the dish comes out yummy.

Pork ribs are not sold separately in Mangalore.  However  with  a courteous request to the vendor we can buy the ribs.    Along with the ribs, fat as well as the meat is also included. The ribs must be cut into finger size pieces, preferably at the place where these are purchased.



1 kg pork ribs along with meat and fat

Soya sauce                     : 1 tbspn
Ginger garlic paste         : ½ tbspn
Juice of a lemon
Chilly powder                 : 1 tspn
Salt                                  : to taste or ¾ tspn

Mix the marinade well and apply to each pork piece thoroughly.
Marinate overnight or atleast for 3 hours

To prepare:


Oil                       : 1 tspn
Chilly flakes         : 1 tspn
Sweet and hot tomato ketchup : 1 cup (or more if required)

Cook the marinated meat on low fire until soft and tender.
In a separate utensil heat the oil and add the chilly flakes on a very slow fire.

Add on the tomato ketchup and mix well forming a thick gravy.
Add to this the cooked meat and stir well enough so that the thick gravy covers the meat. 

Delicious pork ribs are ready to be served.


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