Saturday, August 9, 2014


CHUNDA (Green Mango Jam)

Nikita once displayed an image of Chunda in Whatsapp chat room and it was very tempting spread.  Nikky's Mamma, Nirmala emailed me the recipe.   The freshly plucked green mangoes prompted me to prepare the chunda instantly. 

Chunda goes well with chapathis, dosais and even on the bread. The sweet and sour taste satisfies one's taste buds and serves as a delightful spread.

How to Prepare:


Raw Mango          :    1 kg

Sugar              :    1 1/2 kg
Red Chilli powder  :    2 tbspns
Roasted Cumin seeds powder : 2  tbsp

Wash, wipe dry, peel and grate raw mangoes. 

Heat a deep pan, add mangoes and sugar and mix. 

Cook, stirring continuously to avoid the mixture from 
scorching, till all the sugar melts. 

Lower the heat and continue to cook, stirring continuously till a syrup of one-string consistency is formed. 

Take it off the flames and set aside to cool. 

Once the mixture cools down, stir-in th red chilli powder and  powdered roasted cumin seeds and mix well.

Cool completely and store in airtight, sterilised bottles.

It keeps good for several months and does not need refrigeration.


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