Thursday, March 15, 2012


It is a boone to join different groups on Face Book. One gets to know a number of people across the globe, which in turn helps to share different life experiences and ideas. Irrespective of having countless food blogs on the net, when a recipe and taste is shared by a person acquainted to you, it is far more interesting.

When Mr. Aravind Mallya displayed his breakfast brunch spread on “Moody Konkani Mast Mast Mangalore” wall, I invariably was curious to know the ingredients in the Dosa and requested him to provide me with the recipe. Mr Mallya unhesitatingly shared the recipe on MKMMM wall and needless to say that I straight away planned to prepare the Dosas for the breakfast next day.

This breakfast item is not only tasty and healthier but also quite easier to prepare without much hassles. I have tried wheat dosas adding urad dhal earlier. But this one with coconut is really soft and yummy without a need to ferment overnight.

Ingredients :

  • Whole wheat grain : 1 cup
  • Grated coconut : 1 cup
  • Green chilly : 1 (or more according to the taste)
  • Ginger : 1” piece
  • Oil or Ghee : for frying as required
  • Water : as required
  • Salt : ½ tspn


  • Wash and soak the whole wheat grain overnight.
  • Next day strain the water completely.
  • Grind whole wheat grain, grated coconut with green chilly and ginger with water as required.
  • The batter must be smooth and of medium consistency.

  • Pour a serving spoonful of batter and spread it equally on the pan.

Keep it covered on medium flames.

When fried, turn to the other side and fry for a minute.

Soft wheat dosas are ready to be served with chutney and steaming coffee.

For crunchy dosas retain the dosa on the pan

for bit longer duration

For sweeter version of Wheat Dosas add ½ a cup of jaggery when grinding instead of green chilly and ginger.


1 comment:

Poornimacookbook said...

Healthy wheat dosa in a new way.Love to try this.I am appy to follow your blog.