Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Pancake day, also known as Shrov Tuesday is the day preceding Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent. Shrove Tuesday is observed mostly in English speaking countries.

In most traditions the day is known for the eating of pancakes before the start of Lent. Pancakes are made out of the main foods available - sugar, flour and eggs, whose consumption was traditionally restricted during the fasting days associated with Lent.

The tradition of preparing pancakes is not so common in Mangalore but there are a few, who follow this tradition. Sr Margaret at Bajjodi Little Sisters of Poor Oldage home invited the members of Jean Jugan Association, of which I am a member, to help her to prepare the pancakes for the inmates, about a hundred in all. The method we followed is somewhat similar to the portha pole - a Mangalorean delicacy.

I learnt the method of making pancakes from Sister Margaret, a Goan nun.

Ingredients required:

  • 2 cups maida
  • 4 eggs
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • Salt to taste
  • Water


  • Mix the above ingredients, adding the required amount of water, to form a batter of flowing consistency.
  • Pour a spoonful of the batter to a non-stick pan,spreading to make a thin dosa, fried on both the sides. Keep aside to cool.

For the filling:

  • 2 cups grated fresh coconut
  • 3/4 cup powdered jaggery (quantity can be varied according to one's taste) Cardamom powder for flavouring
  • Mix all the above and prepare the filling.
  • Take a cooled dosa, place a tablespoon of the mixture on the dosa.
  • Fold it on either side and then roll it to become pancake roll.

Ready to be served with steaming Coffee or any other beverage.
